At MLBC we aspire to be an inclusive community which builds people up.
Our God is a creative God, blessing us with different skills, gifts and personalities so we strongly believe in unity and diversity. We want all people regardless of their background or Christian experience to find a place to fit and serve within our community. We want to be serious about relationships and open and honest with each other; real people living in the real world with priorities that flow from a spirit - filled life.

Youth @ MLBC
Our secondary school aged members meet twice a month on a Sunday evening from
6pm - 7:30pm for their own dedicated time
of fellowship and teaching.
For more information on the specifics of this please do get in touch via the Church Office admin@mlbc.org.uk
Children's Ministry
Children are important members of our church and we want to do as much as we can to encourage and care for them. We aim to teach children the Bible in a fun and relevant way in a safe and supportive environment, giving children freedom to express themselves and confidence to know they are loved by God.
Our All Age and Messy services are the first SUnday of the month and our 0-11's have their own teaching on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Prayer Meetings Online
Prayer is foundational to our shared life at MLBC. We meet on Zoom weekly, Wednesdays at 10:30am.
The link is sent out from the office each week so if you would like the details please do complete a GDPR Consent Form which is available from the office. In addition, if you have a prayer request please do let us know, we would love to pray for you.
Women's Prayer Breakfast
A women's prayer breakfast meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9am at MLBC. Each month is led by someone different but includes a light breakfast and is open to all women.

Cell Groups
Cell Groups are a great way to form meaningful relationships and find your place within MLBC. These informal small groups meet in members homes and online for times of bible study, fellowship and prayer.
If you’re new to the church and want to get involved with a cell hit the button below to get involved.

Connect is a regular group for those of all faiths and none, who are encountering the 'Journey of Grief' following a bereavement.
This informal group with a focus on 'managing grief' is hosted by Phil and Chris Stone and is suitable for anyone who has been bereaved at any time.
The group meets at MLBC at the following times:
7.30pm - 9pm, first Tuesday evening of the month
For more information please contact Chris or Phil Stone via the Church Office on 0208 677 5376 or email admin@mlbc.org.uk